Have you ever wanted to get upside down or try some of those “fancy” arm balances but just don’t know where to start? Are you a seasoned practitioner looking up the flight game in your practice? Sylvie has just the thing for you - workshops to help you defy gravity and your own expectations. Each workshop will give you the tools to prepare your body and mind to take flight. No matter what your level, these workshops will have something to offer your practice.
Headstand and Crow
Getting upside down and balancing on your hands can be scary! In this workshop, we will break down the fundamentals of both headstand and crow so you can approach foundational inversions and arm balances safely. Practicing the poses already? This workshop will give you an opportunity to fine tune your entry into these shapes and transition smoothly from these poses to other postures.
Advanced Arm Balances
This workshop will build on the foundation of crow and allow practitioners to experiment with additional arm balances. We will break down the fundamentals of 6 arm balances, and then build on that foundation by working into arm balance transitions. This is a perfect workshop for you if you are looking to add arm balances into your practice or, if you are already doing them regularly, to bump it up a level and work on your transitions.
Pincha, Pincha, Pincha
If yoga was a fairy tale, pincha myurasana (forearmstand) would be the magical unicorn. All kidding aside – this pose is HARD. Learn exercises that will help you open and strengthen your shoulders and work your core to make this inversion more accessible. We will learn how to use the wall as a helpful tool rather than a hindrance and learn to sit with the fear that can arise when approaching this inversion.
Building Wing Strength – Strength and Mobility for Inversions
Are you desperately wanting to handstand but are worried your strength and mobility are holding you back? Building wing strength will give you the tools to feel confident getting upside down. We use mobility drills and locomotion patterns to strengthen and open all the areas essential for inverting – shoulders, hips, hamstrings, and a little bit of deep core stability. This session is perfect for beginners and individuals wanting to supplement their practice with strength and mobility training.
Learning to Fly – Handstands level 1
Calling all handstanders (or wanna be handstanders)! Are you dreaming of finding some hang time away from that pesky wall? Are you getting some hang time but know you could improve? This is the workshop for you! We will build our handstands from the ground up, going over the fundamentals of creating productive handstanding habits looking at hand placement, wrist mobility, shoulder mobility and what to do with your core and hips when balancing on your hands. In this workshop, you will learn drills and exercises that you can take with you into you home and studio practice to increase your hang time in handstand or finally get away from the wall.
Leaving the Nest – Handstands level 2
Are you feeling comfortable using the wall to support your handstands? Time to leave the nest! In this session we will continue to use the wall to teach our hands to react and make adjustments and go over the importance and mechanics of shoulder positioning. Then, we will move away from the wall and start stacking seconds in handstand shapes. For people with freestanding handstands away from the wall, we will start to bring movement into handstands, and start playing with different head positions.
Quest for the Press
Real talk - pressing into inversions is HARD. In this workshop, we will practice drills for getting the float into your headstand, forearmstand, and handstand. Not getting much hang time in these poses yet? That’s okay! Join us anyway! Pressing begins in the prep and no matter what your level of practice you are sure to learn things that will help you strengthen the shoulders and core and open up the hamstrings. Three key areas of awareness for pressing!